General Dentistry in Baltimore


At Waterfront Dental

During routine exams, Dr. Merguerian will thoroughly assess your dental health and catch any dental issues before they become bigger problems. At Waterfront Dental, we offer thorough, gentle cleanings and services such as scaling and root planing to protect your mouth from periodontal disease (gum disease). Our amalgam-free practice provides safe, natural-looking fillings to keep your smile healthy and confident.

Routine Checkups

Preventive Care At Waterfront Dental

According to the American Dental Association, you should see a dentist for a checkup every 6 months. During your routine exam, Dr. Merguerian will examine your teeth and gums for signs of any dental health issues and address them with a personalized treatment plan. Your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned to avoid or remove any plaque or bacteria build-up. These appointments are key to maintaining optimal dental health. Call us today to schedule a checkup in Baltimore!


Safe, Compassionate Dental Care

If you have a cavity that needs to be filled, we will use mercury-free fillings, as opposed to silver dental amalgam, to protect your teeth from further damage. Amalgam-free fillings are tooth-colored and look natural, so you won’t have unsightly metal in your teeth after your treatment. If you have a cavity, give us a call today to go over your options!


Protect Your Smile At Waterfront Dental

Periodontal disease is a common dental health issue that affects millions of Americans. This disease (also known as gum disease) is caused by a lack of proper dental hygiene and occurs when plaque and bacteria build up under your gums. At Waterfront Dental, we offer scaling and root planing to remove bacteria build-up from your teeth and keep your gums healthy. Call us today to schedule an appointment to prevent gum disease.

In-Office Teeth Whitening in Cincinnati


Routine Dental Exams

Wondering why six-month dental exams at Waterfront Dental are so important? There are a few reasons why it’s important to come into our office for regular appointments in Baltimore with Dr. Dawn Merguerian.

First, six-month dental exams help keep your smile bright. During your appointment, your teeth will be your teeth will be cleaned to remove plaque and polish, which can remove surface stains and brighten your smile.

In addition, a six-month dental exam allows Dr. Merguerian to recognize potential signs of oral health issues like cavities or gum disease early and provide you with the care you need to prevent further complications. This saves you time and money, since you can usually avoid treatments like fillings and periodontal cleanings if you get routine exams and maintain proper oral health habits at home.

Finally, a six-month dental exam allows Dr. Merguerian to check for signs of other health problems. Signs of diabetes, for example, can sometimes be recognized during a routine dental exam, and Dr. Merguerian always performs oral cancer screenings as part of routine oral exams to provide you with peace of mind.


Updated Pre-Medication Policy

Recent guidelines by the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American Dental Association Council have changed the recommendations for pre-medication before dental procedures. Exceptions may apply if the patient has a history of complications and a recommendation from their orthopedic surgeon.

Pre-medication is no longer recommended for patients with:

  • Prosthetic joints
  • Mitral valves prolapse
  • Rheumatic heart disease
  • Bicuspid valve disease
  • Calcified aortic stent
  • Congenital heart disease

From this point forward, if affected patients feel like they need pre-medication, they require a written clearance from their doctor.

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